OCT eye examinations

The enhanced OCT eye examination

The enhanced OCT eye examination includes the same tests as a routine examination, with the addition of a state-of-the-art OCT scan of the eye's many layers.

You can book your appointment here.

What is OCT?

OCT stands for optical coherence tomography, advanced scanning technology that produces three-dimensional and cross-sectional images of the retina.

It's non-invasive and painless, taking over 50,000 scans a second to map the macula, optic nerve, and other ocular structures in minute detail.

Using in-built trend analysis, OCT can predict sight conditions such as glaucoma up to four years earlier than standard imaging.

An extended appointment of 50-60 minutes gives your optometrist time to talk you through your images and answer your questions.

Who is it for?

Anyone who wants to know more about their eye health can book an enhanced OCT examination. Even if your eyes are young and healthy, OCT provides a benchmark against which to measure your eyes over time, helping to spot minute changes in the years to come.

OCT is particularly recommended to anyone with diabetes, glaucoma, or family history of eye disease.

Where is OCT available?

You can book an enhanced OCT eye examination at six Cubitts stores: