Furnishings are derived from Sage’s enigmatic monoliths: a deep black central display desk based on the angles and shadows of works like Third Paragraph, and a custom-designed chaise-longue drawing on the painting No One Heard Thunder.
A few choice artworks further structure the experience of the space. Photographic works by Lee Miller cast the store through her surrealist lens, underlining a fascination with depth, light, and shadows. A group of FontanaArte prism-like pieces and handmade Omira magnification mirrors enhance the reverence for glass.
At the rear of the store, a testing room offers routine and enhanced OCT eye examinations. A custom-made unit displays acetate chips provides a focus for Bespoke services, while a dedicated space for on-site spectacle repairs sits to the side, furnished with Kurt Thut ‘Alu 3’ chairs.