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An interview with Wilfrid Wood

Wilfrid is a sculptor, of heads mostly. His approach lies somewhere between no-nonsense, and nonsense. And on his head, he wears a pair of Carnegies in Dark Turtle.

We asked him some questions about his bits and bobs and badinage and spectacles and everything in between. And he obliged, in a manner of speaking.

Interview by

Henry Whaley

C What word would people use to describe you?

W Hairy.

C What three words would you use to describe yourself?

W Anxious, pessimistic, obsessive.

C What is the most beautiful thing in the world?

W My boyfriend’s feet.

C Why do you sculpt?

W To get away from drawing.

C Tell me a story about yourself in 10 words or less.

W I painted two people today.

C What do you want to be when you grow up?

W A musician.

C What three words would you use to describe your spectacles?

W A necessary evil.

C ‘My spectacles make me feel…’

W Disorientated.

It's not quite what we were looking for, but we'll take it. See more of Wilfrid's bits and bobs here.