An interview with
Jeremy Lee
We posed him some questions, which he answered in typically lyrical fashion. On his recipes and scribblings and daydreams and spectacles and everything in between.
Cubitts: What word would people use to describe you?
Jeremy: Joyful.
C: What three words would you use to describe yourself?
J: Cook, draughtsman, scribe.
C: What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
J: A Hebridean island.
C: Why do you write?
J: I have loved putting pen to paper since I was a little boy and enjoy the journey a brush or a pen or a pencil makes.
C: Tell me a story about yourself in 10 words or less.
J: When not in a city, I am happiest on a Hebridean island.
C: What do you want to be when you grow up?
J: I would like to be an explorer.
C: What three words would you use to describe your spectacles?
J: Robust, unlosable, ace.
C: ‘My spectacles make me feel…’
J: Come rain, come shine, be they tinted or untinted, my glasses make me feel able to see the world in all its forms and colours.
We could wend long hours indulging in Jeremy's lyricism. Continue to do so with his new book, Cooking: Simply and Well, for One or Many, here.